CHI2003 - New Horizons

Short Talks and Interactive Posters

Short Talks and Interactive Posters TOC
- Call for Participation
- Review Criteria
- Mentoring
- Format and Requirements
- Submitting your Proposal
- Upon Acceptance
- At the Conference
- Checklist

Staffan Björk, PLAY, Interactive Institute, Sweden

Jan Gulliksen, Uppsala University, Sweden

Send Quetsions to

3 January 2003, 5PM (17:00) at your local time

Short Talks and Interactive Posters have become a very popular way to present late breaking results. As a result, this submission category is very competitive and you should carefully consider late deadline alternatives such as student posters, the doctoral consortium, workshop participation, formal SIGs, as well as informal opportunities at the conference such as informal SIGs and walk-in demonstrations.

Call for Participation

Short Talks and Interactive Posters are two presentation formats for the same submission. Short Talks are brief oral presentations with very little time for demonstrations or video clips. Interactive Posters focus more on discussion between the author and attendees around a poster. There is a scheduled spotlight on posters within one of the conference breaks, but poster presenters may attend their poster at several times during the conference. You may express a preference for a presentation format, but there is no guarantee that we will be able to meet your preference.

The Short Talks and Interactive Posters category provides an opportunity to:

  • present exciting new findings and innovative designs,
  • demonstrate promising work in progress that is still in a state to be influenced through discussion,
  • raise thought-provoking or argumentative opinions, or
  • present tightly argued essays.

The goal for this category is to provide a short, concise report of work that is important and likely to influence the CHI community. In line with the conference theme of New Horizons, this category aims at attracting attention from a broad range of disciplines and a wide variety of topics and methodologies. Submissions within the special areas of communication and interaction, emotion and e-learning are especially encouraged.

Review Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed on the basis of the validity and clarity of the results, the originality of the work, the quality of the written presentation and its contribution to the field of HCI in a wide perspective. The same review criteria will be applied for Short Talks and Interactive Posters as for papers. In addition, the submission's suitability for presentation as a Short Talk or an Interactive Poster will be considered when accepting a paper for a particular presentation format.


If you wish to request a mentor, please see the description of the mentoring program, and contact no later than 27 September 2002.

Preparing Submissions: Format and Requirements

Submissions should be two-page papers; accepted submissions will be published in the CHI 2003 Extended Abstracts. A submission should include:

  • a concise description of the idea,
  • the results or findings,
  • the implications of the work to the field of HCI, and
  • recommendations for further investigation.

Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included. Summaries of wider findings or reduced versions of longer papers are not suitable for the Short Talks and Interactive Posters submission category. Submissions should present original and unpublished work that has not been submitted elsewhere.

Authors should indicate their order of preference for the two presentation styles, Short Talks or Interactive Posters. The submission will primarily be considered for the preferred presentation style but may also be regarded for the second choice. Authors who wish to be considered for poster presentation should include a poster sketch with their submission.

The paper, as submitted for review, will be regarded as the final camera-ready version of the paper. Therefore, the paper submission must be clearly written, carefully proofread, and correctly formatted. To ensure that your submission will be acceptable, follow all the guidance on the Conference Publications Format and the Guide to Successful Papers Submissions.

Only contributions submitted as PDF files will be considered for acceptance. We will use your electronically submitted PDF file during the review process, and, if accepted, the submitted PDF file is what we will print. Poster sketches should also be submitted as PDF files and should be formatted so they can be printed on a single page in landscape orientation.

Confidentiality of Submissions

Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All submitted materials will be kept confidential until the date of the conference.

Submissions should contain no information or materials that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publications that are proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.

Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not with CHI 2003.

Submission Requirements

  • Your submission must be in English.
  • Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Your submission should contain no proprietary or confidential
  • material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications.
  • Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not with CHI 2003.
  • Short Papers and Interactive Posters must be submitted electronically. Submissions will not be accepted by mail, fax or email. If you cannot produce such an electronic submission, please contact the Co-Chairs as soon as possible.

Submitting your Proposal

The CHI 2003 electronic submission software is currently being re-written. When this process has been completed, this section of the call will be updated. You will be asked to submit the PDF file of your paper via the CHI 2003 Electronic Submission Web Page. Follow the instructions to submit the PDF file and enter the requested information. You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.

It is very important that you are available in the days after the submission deadline in case we encounter any problems in handling your PDF file and need to contact you.

Upon Acceptance

Authors will be sent an email notification of acceptance or rejection by 3 February 2003. Please note that, due to publication schedules, revisions of accepted papers will not be possible.

Authors of accepted Interactive Posters must produce a poster in preparation for the conference. Detailed instruction for how to prepare posters will be part of the acceptance notification, but are also available elsewhere on this website.

At the Conference

Short Talks will consist of a 10-minute presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. Only standard technology support - data and overhead projector - will be provided for Short Talks.

Interactive Posters will be displayed during the conference in a central public area. Each poster area will have the opportunity to use table space for additional handouts or mini-demonstrations. A limited number of power supplies may be made available and must be requested with the submission. However, we cannot guarantee to provide power for poster presentation.

CHI 2003 will not cover for additional costs for the presentations. Authors must be by the poster during a scheduled poster session for discussion with the attendees but are also encouraged to be available during breaks.


Please perform the activities in this checklist to ensure completeness in your submission.

  • Read the Conference Overview and Submissions: Process & Format.
  • Prepare a two-page paper in the conference publications format.
  • Create a PDF file of your submission.
  • If you wish to be considered for poster presentation, prepare a poster sketch and a PDF file of that sketch.
  • Test the PDF file(s) by viewing or printing it with the same software we will use when we receive it, Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 5. This is widely used and obtainable at no cost from
  • Note that documents containing non-North American or non-European fonts (e.g. Asian fonts) can not be read with the version of Acrobat that will be used by most reviewers. Please do not use Asian fonts, and verify this by testing with a North American/European version of Acrobat reader (obtainable as above). Something as minor as including a space or punctuation character in a two-byte font can render a file unreadable.
  • Go to the CHI2003 Electronic Submission Web Page:, and follow the instructions for electronic submissions to submit the PDF file(s) and enter the requested information, including author information, keywords, and abstract.